Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your websites with a mouse click

It is now an easy task to attain absolute control of your sites with the modern Web Site Control Panel that we’ve built for you with ease of use in mind. Adminsiter all the files with simple drag–and–drop movements, register, transfer and manage numerous domain names from a single location, set up email accounts in a millisecond, manage email list campaigns effortlessly, set up & access your databases with a single click of the mouse, check site statistics real–time, etc.. Innovative tools such as a framework installer, a hotlink protection tool and an .htaccess generator are available as well.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

We’ve created our own custom–made shared hosting system based on the newest advanced technology. With each service (DNSs, e–mails, databases, applications, etc.) taken care of by an autonomous hosting server, your site content will operate in the cloud and will be fully protected from incidental downtimes and service disruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Lost your web site content? Do turn to our backup solution

Once published online, your web site content is normally a potential subject to hacker attacks. It may be affected even by your very own unintentional actions. Select us and, there is nothing to worry about, because we keep a backup of your web site content, which can retrieved at any time. Besides, you will be able to create manual back–up copies of your whole website with a simple click at the File Manager, which is incorporated into the Web Site Control Panel. The system will save all files and will compress them into a ZIP archive, which will be stored in your account.

Data Backups


A secure web app firewall software

We offer an instant way of safeguarding every web application in your account, regardless of whether it’s freshly installed or has been transferred from a different hosting distributor. All our shared hosting packages offer ModSecurity – a web application firewall, which is enabled by default. We’ve configured it to instantly stop the majority of hacker assaults. This suggests that the moment you host your site with us, it will be safer than ever before.


Web Accelerators

A lot of software tools to boost the loading speed of your web sites

Handily integrated in the Web Site Control Panel you can find a selection of Website Accelerator Instruments designed to speed up your dynamic, database–driven websites. By caching data, these software tools decrease the number of times a database is referred to and hence lower the server load. This will help all your sites open faster and will curtail the bounce rates. You will be able to select from among several web accelerator tools – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–powered cloud web hosting machines

All our shared hosting servers are fitted out with NVMe drives instead of ordinary disk drives. NVMe drives offer much faster read and write speeds, which implies that your sites will load quicker. Absolutely no extra website modifications are needed.

Thanks to the exceptional online connectivity possibilities provided by all our cloud hosting Data Centers, your website will start to load faster as soon as you start using our hosting services.

NVMe Drives

VPN Access

Safe, anonymous web browsing

If you would like to remain absolutely anonymous while exploring the web, we offer you an easy option. With each of our shared hosting packages, you’ll be able to acquire Virtual Private Network access. We’ll route your entire incoming and outgoing web site traffic through one of our VPN data centers, making your online footmark untraceable. And you will acquire VPN access regardless of what web–connected device you’re using.

VPN Access